It’s an all too common problem—inbound marketing efforts help you acquire a list of leads, but before long, you realize that many of these contacts have never been engaged by your team and aren’t responding to other marketing tactics. These leads are apparent dead-ends, not progressing beyond their initial opt-in when they downloaded a white paper or attended a webinar.
Do you scrap these names and start over? At SimplyDIRECT, we don’t think so.
Lying dormant within these unengaged and inactive leads is the interest that originally prompted them to share their personal information with you. It just takes the right approach to successfully leverage this interest in order to re-engage a significant percentage of these otherwise “dead” leads.
Our process for re-engagement is simple and straightforward. Here are three steps to get you started.
- Mine your list for gold
Before we can determine how to approach a prospect, we need to first discover who they are beyond whatever scant contact information was garnered. By conducting some initial research, you can begin to know the people behind the names. Undoubtedly many of these dormant leads will prove to be high-value, target prospects, however, there’s no sense in wasting resources chasing graduate students who have downloaded your white paper as research for their thesis or people who aren’t truly in your sweet spot.
- Get to know your prospects
Deploy a carefully crafted survey to gain deeper insight and understanding of these prospects and their needs. Ideally, to best identify each of your prospect’s intent and desired business outcomes, you’ll combine individual survey results with your initial research, as well as the data captured related to their opt-in. It’s the combination of these different data points that provides a powerful context for informing the most effective approach to re-engage prospects. From this richer and individualized understanding of who each of your prospects is, you can begin to imagine their story and how your offering best fits their unique situation and needs.
- Tailor your message
Leverage your new, richly insightful understanding by reaching out to these freshly self-identified and re-engaged survey respondents in a manner meaningful to them with a message that is individualized, personal, and relevant. Because you have learned what the motivators are, you can leverage these insights to craft messages that resonate. This helps to establish a personal relationship between the prospect and your organization. and engenders trust.
Another benefit? Your email metrics will improve with a cleansed database of engaged contacts!
By using this three-step method, we have been able to resurrect more than 10% of our clients’ dormant leads, on average.
Learn more about our lead-generation surveys.